“Bashert” mixed media on canvas 53”x125” wall hanging….
That was fun! Thank you to all who came out to the show yesterday. It was a huge success. Y’all really BROUGHT IT. And by that I mean brought the LOVE!!!!!!
If you didn’t get a chance to come out…guess what> The whole Artisan Resource Center will be open this coming Friday (6-10), Saturday and Sunday all day. All of the artist’s in the community will have their studio’s open for visitation. This is my first year there, but I hear it’s a big deal. Many great artists to look at. There are so many different artist there, so if you can…come out. Friday night there will be Jazz and cocktails and food…so, a cool date night if you need something to do, come out and see us!
Meanwhile, all my new work (minus the above painting and one other are all up on my website…The one above is a wall hanging and I am in love with it. If you’re interested please contact for more information….
This painting (above is the other one I couldn’t list on my sight due to the size…it is 84'“x30.5” it is mixed media on canvas and the canvas is mounted on a wood panel.
Love you all!
here are some pics from the show….
Special thanks to Debbie Lieberman at Lieberman Love for all the DELISH snacks. You are amazing!