v. to come into existence and develop
I am in the part of my process that I have claimed to be called….GERMINATION!
I have set out to do a body of work that is a cohesive series of paintings. Cohesive by way of story telling.
I set the intention that it would be a series of paintings called, “ Past, Present, Future”. I didn’t know much at that initial phase of the series development. All I knew is that I was going to take old paintings and rework them into present moment and I would understand more in the future. I was PLANTING SEED FOR MY FUTURE by setting my intentions.
Nature is the perfect mteaphore. Nature, TAKES TIME! Has processes that MUST happen in ORDER for it to bare fruit.
Taking time to ALLOW for things to have their natural process that isn’t up to me is a type of surrender to the Great Unknown….I see it as practicing HUMILITY and FAITH.
If I acknowledge this is the rhythm of God’s GRACE I can surrender more and more ….the work is honest.I have had this mantra on a loop in my head the whole time and it is: “ It is an honor to wait in God.” I say it when I get antsy and want completion and certainty.
The work begins to reveal ITSELF TO ME. There is reciprocity. I surrender my expectations for the future and participate in the present moment, the work reveals itself to me. I learn time and time again that what I do can’t be on a time table nor can I finesse the outcome.
I have about 20 paintings currently “in process”. I have been working 5 days a week for two months. There are 3 finished pieces in the collection. There are 17 that are almost finished. I am at the point where I need to take a week off so I can see them more clearly. I need to see them with fresh eyes. I am getting to a spot where I can’t really see clearly.I’m too close emotionally and that alters my sight. I have to pull back from being so up close. It will change my perspective. THIS IS GERMINATION at it’s finest. Giving it time and space to grow. Let it be in the DARK and UNDERGROUND. It needs this dark and quiet space to gather it’s nutrients to grow.
This work is SO personal. I have put the most of myself into this particular body of work than ANY of my past works. I have embedded the layers of this work with symbols that are deeply and profoundly meaningful to me. In this way the paintings are like talismans. They contain my marks, the texture has been built up of layers upon layers of secret prayers, wishes and laments.
What is being revealed to me so far is there is a story of my life unfolding. My first three pieces that came swiftly embody inner child (past). The next ones that are currently in process hold the energy of mother, womb, grief, elder hood, wisdom, medicine woman, divine feminine, value of oneself and life journey, letting go, Spirit Guides, spirit world, angels, trust, faith, deep reverence for God and Life. These are the themes of my present life.
I am truly seeking to be a conduit for Spirit to work through me. I can tell it’s working because I am emotionally very attached to these paintings. They have been so healing to me. They are deeply connected to me. I value so much what they teach me. This is the work I was put here to do. I approach this body of work with the upmost respect and humility. I approach it as if I want to honor and please God with these paintings. Time and time again divorcing myself of outcome and expectation. Really being present with it. The good the bad and the ugly.
I can’t know the future. I can’t know where these paintings will go. I am leaning into uncertainty, impermanence and that too is the natural way of life. I can only be honest and truthful and hope that the work will go to the people and places it needs to be. I pray that they will resonate with others. I surrender that all of that desire is completely out of my hands.
I am scared to put myself out “there” in this way. But feel called to do it. I pray it will serve others to hear about my process.
Writing all these “journal entries” for anyone to see feels very vulnerable and scary. I do it because I deeply desire my collectors to feel connection to the art. I want them to feel like they aren’t alone. I want you to hang my art on your walls and FEEL something. I want it to speak to you. I want you to know that when I worked on these pieces I was fully present. I put all of my HEART and SOUL into them. They are all so special to me. I want you to know that. I want you to feel that. They carry an energy all of their own. They have stories and a soul to them. I can’t wait to share them with you!
I would love to hear from you all and I love interacting with my readers. I am currently working to make that possible here on this platform…if you care to respond or reach out please do so on my IG account. If you like what you see here and want to share with others, I’d be grateful. To be honest, I am not great at social media and marketing….(YET). I am building from the ground ( maybe under the ground/germinating) up and rely on word of mouth at this point. I trust it will reach and touch who it needs to. Thank you in advance for your support.