Hello there!
How are you? If you attune to nature and pay attention to the moon, this is an incredibly potent time to feel deeply into the places that are within you that are holding you back from being your best self. When I think of my best self, I think of alignment with my values and life work.
As some of you may know , I have been doing, “The Artist’s Way”, by Julia Cameron. This is my 7th time doing this 12 week process of “healing your creative self”. I do it every few years when I feel stagnant, stuck, uninspired, lost, or under confident… It is a miraculous process that I trust implicitly. I am past the half way mark and seeing HUGE results. I love being engaged with the intentional practice of putting so much ATTENTION and INTENTION into my own creativity. Making it not only a priority, but a daily practice. It FAST TRACKS PROGRESS.
There is a daily writing process, a weekly :artist’s date and 1,000 other tools to put your creativity into action.
Some of the results are: writing this entry and committing to a weekly BLOG entry, going to see one of my most favorite artist’s in the universe, ERYKAH BADU, and most important and recent A STUDIO SPACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YAY!!!!! Have been with out space to paint for a year. We are in a temporary home waiting for our new house (and my new home studio) to be built. It has taken me 1 WHOLE YEAR to find a place.
So, I found a new space in Marietta called THE ARTISAN RESOURCE CENTER. I move in AUGUST.
This year of being in ‘flux’ has been a blessing. I have been planting new seeds of inspiration and increased my knowledge of things I have been interested in learning. I have taken more classes on line, played with fiber arts, learned new things like how to eco dye fabrics, make my own paint brushes out of things found in nature, worked with cardboard sculptures, fabric sculptures, sewing and developed more ‘modalities” to teach with and use in my own painting practice. I have discovered new shapes and lines I would like to work with. I am changing. My work will look different and I can’t wait to see what is ready too be born.
Aside from painting in this new space I am also going to teach. I am looking forward to having a space to help others tune into their own SACRED CREATIVITY. I am going to teach my own practices and techniques to approach ANY creative endeavor you may have. Because creativity is innate.WE all have it, it’s just sometimes we need help reacquainting and attuning our senses to it. Sometimes we abandon that part of ourselves and we can forget how to access those parts of ourselves that KNOW. We lack the confidence to TRUST our innate wisdom. We forget how to LISTEN. We compare ourselves to others and stop before we even start. I have experienced this and I have witnessed it in others. It can be LIBERATING to reconnect with ourselves in this way again.
The best thing about my process is it can be applied to almost everything. Because, ART IMITATES LIFE. Living ARTFULLY or CREATIVELY is really about being present with ourselves and our senses. Knowing how to listen to that STILL, SMALL VOICE.
Each session is uniquely designed for the individual(s) attending. These sessions in and of themselves are a collaborative work of art. My intention is that I will be able to provide you with sacred space to explore your own inner world and find ways to express what wants to be expressed.
I am beginning to open my schedule for booking sessions starting in AUGUST 2023. If you’d like to book with me, please reach out.If you’re curious and want to know more, give me a call or email!
There will also be an open house in SEPTEMBER 2023. More to come on that.
So cheers, may all of us reap the seeds we sow.
Blessings on blessings to each and everyone of you.