I recently was asked why I became an artist?

What is the message of my art?

How does my art open people up to a different experience of who they are?

It made me think about Devotion and what in this lifetime I give my attention and energy to. Devotion is loyalty, love or care for someone or something. I really love this word Devotion. It feels sacred.

I have been devoted to expression and application of skilled imagination since I was small. Art has been a safe place to process life. The form never mattered as much as the process. Within the form is years of collective lived experience and the most recent expression of those lived experiences. Bringing the formless into form is a collaboration of past, present and hope for the future.

Why did I become an artist?

It was a conscious act and I remember when I claimed it….I was working for my father at the time.I was 20 years old and he had worked his whole life to build a business that he could pass on to his kids. We all worked with him at the time. Side note, we all wanted his love and approval because we never had him around growing up. So, I put any and all of my own dreams aside to be along side him and win his love and approval. I was selling and programming phone systems. I was good at it and I was with my Dad almost everyday….but I felt fraudulent and unsatisfied. I knew this wasn’t for me and I had to gather all the courage I could muster to walk into my father’s office and say these words, “Dad, I can’t work for you. I AM AN ARTIST, and I am going pursue art.” I’ll never forget the response I got…I am not sure of his words (because I think I went into a black out) but I’ll never forget the immediate disapproval and dismissiveness. I put my relationship with my father on the line and chose myself. I guess I became an artist because it’s who I am. I claimed it at the risk of not being loved by my father. I am proud of that every. single. day of my life!

Art for me is a way of life. It is a practice of truth and presence. If you chose art, you must also choose truth and presence at all cost It won’t allow for anything less. The form and expression of it is secondary to the process. Each painting serves as a totem. Marking spiritual significance to a time and space….the past.

What is the message of my art?

Resilience. Devotion. Connection. Rebellion. Healing. Expression of life. Catharsis.

How does my art open people up to a different experience who they are?

I couldn’t know for certain… What I hope it opens them up to is inspiration and their own innate eros.

I do want my art to be of service. The thing is, I show up and do what I do and then I must leave the results to God. I trust that is my job.

Thank you for reading and I hope this helps you get to know me better.

I am still getting settled into my new studio space. I will have an open house September if you’d like to come see me! Follow me on instagram for the most current updates and information. I will soon be offering “Re-Source” sessions. Where I hold space and share my different ways of sourcing from within to express outward. It is for people who feel creatively stuck. You can apply any of the teachings to all of your life. For more information you can reach out to me directly.




