Last week…Saturday, to be exact was my first day of painting in my new space! It was intimidating! Aside from one very large commissioned painting (that I did, start to finish, in my GARAGE) I haven’t been able to paint a large scale painting in the way I want to for over a year now. So, when faced with two very large scaled canvas’ in front of me I felt inadequate as waves of self doubt came rushing in…can I still do this? Where do I begin???
Where do I turn when fear and doubt surface? STILLNESS, BREATH and VISIONING. Have been practicing breath work Wim Hoff style for years now. It is great as far as regulating my nervous system. I recently got introduced to OWAKEN and the work of Lucas Mac and his partner Helle Weston. They do breath work along with visualization and some other modalities that are specific to what you need in the moment. In that moment I needed to TRUST MY INTUITION. Trust my guts…I did the breath work and sat in stillness. Sat with the fear until I overcame it. THen I began to paint. I did what I felt called to do in that moment and it felt so good. The outcome is always unknown and I have to really be courageous in seeking presence and following inner guidance. Can be tricky. I am rusty, for certain.
So, this is a new series. A new start. I am taking all the old paintings and reworking them. I am thinking the series will be named, “ past/present/future”. Can’t wait to share more with you!
Keeping this entry short and sweet today.
lot’s of love!